ChillMountain REC第18弾リリースアウト!

Artist : Shamanic Catharsis

Title : NATEM

Pacha Mama(Mother Earth)の音楽は癒しのシャーマニズムの歌を通してあなたの存在に深く浸透する。



彼は世界を旅して音楽を学び、伝えてきました。彼のこのEPは、Huaira の最初のEP、ūukaShunkuの音楽制作から生まれたもので、世界をリードする様々なリズムと音楽の知識が総括されたものです。


Cheik Tidiane Seik、Altiplano、Minük、Nicola Cruz、Huaira、WañuktaTonic



The music of the Pacha Mama (Mother Earth) travels through the stars to infinity, reaching deep into your being through shamanic songs of healing.

This álbum contains ¨Shipibo Trance¨: In gratitude to the female being who gave us life, the heart rate of my partner Ely Araya and the ultrasound of my daughter Nina.

An original icaro of Olivia Arevalo leader of the Amazonian ethnic group Shipibo-Konibo, with traditional Ecuadorian rhythms creating a state of trance, dance and meditation.

¨The Day¨: The original shamanic icaro of Guillermo Arévalo next to the mantric seeds, different percussions and several keyboards that refresh the primitive songs of our ancestors.

¨The Night¨: The ceremonial icaro of Víctor Ipashima and the psychedelic melody of the berimbao, varied percussion and the traditional Quenachos of the Andean sector with a slow mid tempo.

¨Tshiwu¨: The Ecuadorian shamanic chants next to the Berimbao of Brazil, and many effects created with natural instruments, perfect match for the dance floor.

Pablo Vicencio

Music Producer and member of several groups around the world and session musician such as Cheick Tidiane Seik (Mali), Altiplano from Chile, Minük (Colombia – Suecia) Nicola Cruz (Ecuador), Huaira (Ecuador), Wañukta Tonic (Ecuador), among others. He has traveled around the world learning and disseminating the gift of music, his entry into this digital world comes from the musical production of Ñuka Shunku the first EP of Huaira, and the knowledge of various rhythms and music of the world that lead him to build a space through sound. The percussion is your means of communication, delivering your energy in all the projects produced by him and in which he has participated.

Recording in La Clave del Apu Records in April to June 2018

Pablo Vicencio: Musical production, arrangements, mix and original idea. 

Ely Araya : Heart rate in ¨Shipibo Trance¨.

Nina Vicencio Araya: Gestational ultrasound in ¨Shipibo Trance¨.

Julio Vicencio: Quenas and Quenachos in ¨The Night¨.

Javier Alarcón: Violas in ¨Shipibo Trance¨

Ivis David Flies: Artwork

Olivia Palma: Recording of the voice in tracks (The Day and The Night)

Mastered By Kabamix (


released October 25, 2018


-ChillMountain- 2005年大阪・奥河内でスタートしたキャンプイベントから派生し、現在は音楽レーベル・シルクプリント・衣・装飾・食など様々な表現者で構成されるチル山collective。 This culture since 2005's camp event・music label・clothes・silkscreen・decoration・tool・food・ item...


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